Lagoa, recupera tu espacio

 is a registered trademark
property of Marta Vazquez Alvarez


C / Blanca nº 19 28231 Madrid

Nature of the data we collect:
We collect simple data such as name, email and telephone.

Purpose of the data collection:
Our purposes are statistical, informative, advertising and commercial.

They may be for sending you a newsletter, informing you of blog posts, discounts and promotions of our products.

Origin and obtaining of the data
We collect data through the forms on the web, the forms we have on social networks like Facebook, these data are stored by us.

These data are provided voluntarily by the interested party and the interested party is responsible for the veracity and validity thereof.

Through the comments we also collect data from readers that are usually stored in the WordPress database itself.

Data transfer:
We do not explicitly transfer data to third parties, but we use a mail list management platform that stores and helps us manage subscriber lists within a secure environment, this platform is mailchimp.

We use analytical tools such as Google Analytics that collect information from user profiles anonymously that serve us for statistical and prospective purposes.

We use Facebook tools for companies that help us segment our audience and optimize our advertising investment anonymously.

Opposition and modification.
You can exercise at any time your right to have your data deleted, modified or removed from a list by writing to "your mail", it may take us (time) to process your request